Turkey. - The Times, December 13, 1892, p. 5
CONSTANTINOPLE, Dеc. 12. Some excitement has been created throughout the country by a proposal which has been laid before the Porte for the establishment of an opium monopoly. Petitions against the plan are coming in from the opium-producing districts in Asia Minor, and traders in the drug are loud in their protests and predictions of the calamity and ruin that are certain to ensue should the Government favour the scheme. In existing circumstances the matter assumes a somewhat serious aspect, because the necessities of the Treasury give rise to apprehensions that a short-sighted economic policy may tempt the Executive to accept immediate returns at the sacrifice of future advantages. The Sultan, however, who takes personal cognizance of all questions, is not likely to give his sanction to a measure involving danger or disturbance. The precedent of tha collapse of the tobacco monopoly in Persia will not be forgotten.- Oqur Correspondent.